Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy (less eventful---->fingers crossed) New Year

Happy New Year.... It sure has been a crazy one.

One of the things I would like to do in 2015 is write a daily or weekly (may end up monthly) blog entry. My hope is that this will keep a type of journal for what's going on in our busy lives. I am totally guilty of running around too quickly and not taking things in. I didn't keep a baby book for JD because it really didn't cross my mind until it was way to late. I am not the type of person to write thing down.... I type much faster. My hope is this will serve as a reflection of great times and memories for me to look back on throughout the year. With that being said, I often type what I am thinking so please ignore all typos, improper punctuation, and downright weird sentences.

Let start with how crazy fast time passes. Check out my little man and how much he changed in a year. Makes me so sad.

The Start of 2014

The end of 2014....where did the time go!

This little man has changed so much and I can't wait to see what he does in 2015. 

 I am soooooo happy to see 2015. Let's be honest.... It was a year for the books. It seemed like something was always happening. Last year at new year, I was getting ready to embark on one of the craziest years of my life. 

Only a week or so into the new year, I went to my annual OBGYN apt. A mass had popped out on my neck after going to back work from having JD...around October 2013. At the time I thought it was a swollen gland due to a sinus infection. In December, I realized it wasn't there. I figured I would just show Dr. Dickerson and see what he said. On to my apt where he told me it was my thyroid. He was certain my levels were just off because we all know a baby "makes your body go a little crazy". Before I left that day I did blood work.

A few days later, I got a call saying that my blood work was completely normal so Dr. Dickerson wanted me to do an ultrasound. I remember going to the ultrasound (by myself) and thinking that I knew in the back of my head having to do an ultrasound couldn't be good. The tech did the ultrasound and I strained my eyes to try and see on the tv screen hanging on the wall what she was looking at. I kept thinking that what she was looking at didn't look right--- but what did I know!? The only ultrasound I ever had was of my sweet baby boy. Then the dreaded, "Let me let the radiologist read these and I will be right back to let you go". EVERYONE knows that if she needs to read them now...somethings up.

Instantly 1,000,000 things ran through my head. I tried to remain calm and smile while she came in to tell me that there was a mass on my thyroid. She told me all sorts of medical statistics, but of course I got the main point only. Either this mass was a cyst or it was cancer, but either way it would have to come out at some point. I would need to do a biopsy and see a doctor that specializes in removing these sorts of things. She assured me I would be fine, so I left. As soon as I got in my car, I called Brian. As soon as he asked what they said I broke down...and then a few more times that day at work to my (amazingly supportive) coworkers. How could this be happening? I have a little human that is relying on me. Brian continued to remind me that it was likely nothing.

A few weeks later, I saw my surgeon. He told me I could either do a fine needle biopsy or remove it. It would need to come out eventually, but if it was not cancerous, I could wait a while. We decided to do the fine needle. I was laid out on a table and given a shot to numb my neck. Then I watched on an ultrasound machine as this doctor stuck needle after needle in my neck and sucked out part of my mass. I could tell when I left that it was smaller from him taking so much of it. A little bruise and test results was not cancerous! Praise the lord!!! I decided to schedule my surgery for Thanksgiving break (I kind of forgot about it over the summer).

 In the meantime, in April, JD needed tubes put in. Starting around October we started fighting ear infection after ear infection...and we were hoping this would be our saving grace....those of you who know us know that the ear infections continued----> more on that later.
Tubes Take 1

Fast forward to October, one day I was sitting at my mom's and realized my mass was started to hurt a little. Almost like a tender to the touch and movement hurt. It only got worse...a visit to my doctor 3 days later resulting in the mass needed to come out sooner. Surgery was scheduled for October 7th.
Here's a not so glamorous shot before surgery thanks to my mom.

 I went in fully ready to take this on. I knew there was a chance that the mass changed and became cancerous, especially since it was now hurting. They went in with the intentions of taking out the left side of my thyroid gland, and would take the entire thing if need be. I should take an hour to two they said. The doctor decided to take out my entire thyroid gland once inside. The surgery took much longer than expected. Around 4 hours. I remember rolling into my room after recovery (this is the first moment I actually remember) and looking at the clock. I thought...dang its late..then I was in and out again for the rest of the afternoon.

 The next day the doctor told me I would know my results in 2 days at the most....a week later...I found out the mass was fine, however, the right side of my thyroid gland that we weren't worried about was cancerous. Luckily it was small enough that I didn't need to seek further treatment since they already took the whole thing out. I must say that was the longest week of my life. I just knew something wasn't right. No one wanted to answer my questions and I felt like there was no reason for 2 days to turn into a week. A small scar later, I healed just fine and am so thankful to be healthy.

 Forward to December, Jd gets new tubes (again...2nd set in one year) and adenoids removed. We are hoping this will be our saving grace....again. The ear infections come after the congestion, so hopefully the adenoid removal will be the solution to it all.
Tubes Take 2

I feel like we are finally at a point where we are healthy and seem to be on track. Praying it stays that way. So here's the a healthier new year! We sure could use one.

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